Save Microsoft Office document as PDF file

Whether it’s an invoice, a form to fill out or a list. Often it is not enough to simply save a document in Word format. If you want to send a document by e-mail, for example, it is advantageous to save it as a PDF on your hard drive. This alone has the advantage that the document will not contain any formatting errors when it reaches the recipient. But how does this work? In this step-by-step guide, we explain how to save a Microsoft Office document as a PDF file.

  1. Once you have finished writing your document, click on „File“ in the top left-hand corner of Word.
  2. Then click on „Saveas“.
  3. Now click on „Download as PDF„.
  4. Click on „Download“ again to successfully save the document as a PDF file.

You can't find a PDF entry under "Save as"?

Depending on the installed Office version, the order for saving may be different. If step number 2 does not appear or work for you, please proceed as follows:

  1. Click on „File“ in the top left-hand corner as before.
  2. In the new menu, click on „Export„.
  3. In the submenu that appears, click on the button „Create PDF/XPS document„.
  4. Now select the location where you want to save the PDF file and click on „Publish„.


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